
Artist Boss

Version 3 2020-07-01, 15:30
Version 2 2020-07-01, 15:19
Version 1 2018-12-21, 11:13
Posted on 2020-07-01 - 15:30 authored by Jenny Dunseath

Artist Boss is a research project led by Jenny Dunseath, Reader in Fine Art at Bath Spa University. The project explores the relationship between artist and assistant, focusing on the prolific sculptor Sir Anthony Caro (1924 – 2013) to investigate the ‘traditional assistants’ role, impact on learning and artistic careers. Initiated by Bath Spa University and Norwich University of the Arts, Artist Boss brought together artists, curators, students and academics to reveal new readings and interpretations of Caro’s work, artists’ career paths, and approaches to making.

This multi-component output Collection documents the above research project, providing evidence of three public exhibitions curated by Jenny Dunseath, along with contextualising material in the form of a 300 word statement, Research Timeline and Research Questions, details of the book publication (Artist boss: Anthony Caro's studio assistants and issues of legacy in British sculpture, 2016, Wunderkammer Press), links to and documentation of the Artist Boss website, brief project documentary films, and a collection of learning resources about the project.


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